Satyam Anand
Satyam has 9 years of experience in the domain of education with the Quest Alliance (Anandsala Program) as well as with STIR Education (Enable Teacher as a change maker). He has developed a versatile skill set during his 14 years of total work experience in the corporate and social sectors. In a rather short period of time, he invested his efforts in content creation and developed his abilities as a facilitator. Withstanding his journey, he knows quite well that quality education is the only means to create sustainable change in society. He has been a part of over thousand successful community level initiatives and developments in the financial and non-financial sectors. He is deeply committed to improving the lives of adolescent girls with developmental disabilities. At Catalytic Corps, he adds value by being a visionary leader known for his ability to win community support, develop key coalitions and build relationships with a shared sense of purpose.